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Danish[eedit soorce]

Preposition[eedit soorce]


  1. after; subsequent; later in time than

Related terms[eedit soorce]

Scots[eedit soorce]

Preposition[eedit soorce]


  1. Ahint; later in time; follaein.

Adverb[eedit soorce]

Efter (nae comparable)

  1. Ahint; later in time; follaein.

Conjunction[eedit soorce]


  1. Signifies that the action o the clause it stairts taks place afore the action o the ither clause.

Swedish[eedit soorce]

Pronunciation[eedit soorce]

Preposition[eedit soorce]


  1. after; subsequent; later in time than or later in a sequence than
  2. by; using the rules or logic of
  3. by; as in one by one, one after another
    en efter en
    one by one
  4. as to; in a manner conforming or corresponding to
    Sortera dem efter storlek och färg.
    Sort them as to size and color.

Related terms[eedit soorce]

West Frisian[eedit soorce]

Preposition[eedit soorce]


  1. behind